Pre and Post Liposuction Surgery

Senin, 19 November 2012

The cosmetic benefit of liposuction is the potential to remove large amounts of fat in a brief period of time. For women, thighs and abdomen are the most popular areas for this procedure. For men, the abdomen and flanks are the most popular areas. The average amount of weight removed from these areas is ten pounds.

Liposuction has been refined to ensure it is painless and effective. The plastic surgeon, during this procedure, could remove the appropriate amount of fat without causing any disturbance to neighboring tissues or causing a change in the fluid balance of the patient. And, the plastic surgeon will attempt to cause the least amount of pain or discomfort possible to the patient.

Pre and Post Surgery

There is a certain protocol for the safety of the patient, which should be followed before the surgery is performed and during recovery. While preparing to undergo the procedure, smoking should be avoided at least two months prior.

In certain cases, especially if an anesthesia or sedation is being received, fasting would be necessary prior to the surgery. Requirements to be a good candidate, that are urged by plastic surgeon, include being over 18, being in good health, and having tried diet and exercise but still retain an excess of ten pounds.

After the procedure is complete, the patient will be prescribed medication to prevent swelling in the affected areas. Drinking large amounts of water is recommended to prevent dehydration.

Patients should also avoid using heating pads or ice packs in the affected areas. A study published in Dermatologic Surgery 2004, further underlined the safety of the procedure, by stating that the minor complication rate was only .57% and the major complication rate, which includes hospitalization, was the minute rate of .14%.

The Variety of Choices Available

When the modern liposuction method was first introduced in 1982 by the French surgeon Dr. Yves-Gerard Illouz, it became popular due to the low morbidity rate and reproducible methods. Progress has been rapid since the introduction of this safe surgical method.

Today, there are many different types of liposuction possible: dry, wet, super-wet, tumescent and laser- assisted. Each type is defined by the technique used. For example, in laser-assisted liposuction, laser waves are used to rupture fat cells.

Advancement gives patients a choice in terms of the surgery that is best for them.

In particular situation, however, liposuction is not the only surgery a patient would need to achieve the desired look. If the problem is both excess fat and loose skin, surgeons recommend both liposuction and skin tightening treatments such as, the abdominoplasty tummy tuck.

The importance of physical appearance in modern society continues to make cosmetic surgery popular. In 2006 alone, liposuction was the most common treatment performed according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cautions patients to ask their doctor about the training they have before making the final decision.